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Good day, my name is Mark Matheson. Our Earth needs major adjustments, and we believe ANDUANDU (anduandu.org) should lead the way. It appears that corporations are running and ruining the world. Many are buying influence by spending freely on political campaigns. In “The Guardian” on July 10, 2017, it wrote:” Just 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions a handful of corporations are allowed to put next quarter profits ahead of the next generation, our children and grandchildren. It was profitable for a handful of corporations to keep polluting our planet.

It appears that all they care about is profits for CEOs and shareholders. Hundreds and thousands of people's employment are being terminated when corporations aren’t making exorbitant profits.

We need to unite under one banner to protect our future and right past wrongs. ANDUANDU… can become the keystone for humanity and shall not be compromised. ANDUANDU…INC is a future global non-profit society with Chapters around the world.

All races, religions, and agnostics can be bound together because our bond is that we share the same vision, through love we believe we can change the world. We can tackle most of the problems that threaten humanity and other organisms we share this planet with. There was not or will not be an organization like ANDUANDU… that can impact our earth profoundly. As an ANDUANDU… supporter, U realize a sense of belonging. ANDUANDU… can give U meaning and purpose in ur life. Most of us share our love by giving.

We endeavor to be a close-knit community that seeks to ensure the best for each other and our environment. We are all Brothers and Sisters in Ourearth community.

We have seventeen andU websites under Active Sites, many are for international ANDUANDU…  organizations that contain unique ideas that would substantially benefit humanity.

Our website thetop10andu.com is directed toward the top 10 billionaires.

and anyone who believes they should be doing more for humanity and the other organisms we share this planet with.

Our website barackobamaandu.com is there to appeal to President Barack

Obama to be our leader, our Guardian.

Our website charityandu.org is there to promote, support, and increase revenue for charities.

Our website ourenvironmentandu.org can deal with global environmental issues.

Our website communityandu.com can result in numerous communities that share interests which include improving the lives of others.

We can offer U a much better world. A world where love matters the most.

We look forward to serving U.