There is not a cell in my body or a follicle in my hair that does not believe that the approach that we made to get TerroristandUandU, ANDUANDU… and any other andUs other potential organizations was warranted and correct according to our limitations in finance, and capability.

Some might think that overall; our content looks GRAND; perhaps it appears that way. We have gone above and beyond attempting to prove to U that ANDUANDU…is a much-needed package. One thing is for certain; for the time we had and my ability to cope, we could not have done much better.

It has taken years since the inception of ANDUANDU…to get to this stage; regardless we have always thought that it is: URGENT, URGENT, URGENT, that ANDUANDU… succeeds. There is no time to take the usual steps of starting at the bottom and working ur way up. To have started small locally was not an option. We do not have time, ANDUANDU…was needed yesterday, for good reason. It is paramount; that U understand the big picture and realize why ANDUANDU.. is important, and such a worthwhile cause. We hope humanity can be motivated enough by us, to find solutions to many of our problems by mobilizing an ANDUANDU...Society. A Society that we plan on building with help from UandUandU… We believe we will have a large pool, Ourearth; from which ideas will be abundant, and our Society will be built.

Motivation can come from reading scripts like those on The Philosophy of “U”, ANDUANDU…” A BETTER FUTURE”, ANDUANDU’s World and Salvation.

ANDUANDU…is based on love; love that should be shared. U will find this in much of ANDUANDU’s content.

ANDUANDU…can be the mother of many offspring, all andU’s, all exemplary in their field. TerroristandU is such a small part of ANDUANDU’s potential.

When all is said and done; we hope that U too can understand the significance of “U”. What is with the yo in you? To us U signifies that U have or are willing to live ur life in a way that; U will do to others as U would like them to do unto U; part of it involves showing people how significant U can be by leading such a life.